The Falls
These are the larger water falls in the park: Big Clifty Falls (on Big Clifty Cr) and Little Clifty Falls (on Little Clifty Cr) at the north end (to see, start at north parking area).
Tunnel Falls (on Deans Branch Cr) and Hoffman Falls (on Hoffman Cr) are located along the east side (to see, start at respective parking areas).
Two waterfalls are on Little Crooked Cr at the south entrance to the park - Redbud Falls and Dogwood Falls (note: the names are reversed due to software glitch).
There are numerous other small strictly runoff-related falls throughout the park along the canyon walls, including the named Wallace Falls (to see, park at Oak Grove Shelter and take Trail 5 down to the left, then down to Trail 2) on the west side. Some are displayed as yellow/black dots.
All of the falls are primarily runoff-fed and so the most impressive flows (as seen below) come after large rainfall events. But flows are sustained after these events.
Big Clifty Falls (after heavy rains)

Little Clifty Falls (after heavy rains)

Tunnel Falls

Big Clifty Creek and Wallace Falls (after heavy rains)